An SoC based CNN Accelerator of Tiny-YOLOv2 for Blind Assistive System on FPGAs
With the development of Deep Learning, especially Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), there have been tremendous advances in neural networks for object detection. These models can accurately detect and categorize objects in a wide range of complex scenarios and have been practically applied in people's daily lives. However.....
基於 FPGA 的 Micro-LED 實時色彩校正控制系統
Micro-LED 技術是一種新興的顯示技術,具有許多引人注目的優勢。首先,Micro-LED 顯示器擁有極高的亮度,這使得它在室內和室外環境中都能 提供出色的視覺效果非常適合用於商業廣告牌和戶外大屏幕。其次,Micro LED 顯示器具有極低的功耗。相比傳統的液晶顯示器和有機發光二極管 (OLED)顯示器,Micro-LED 顯示器在相同亮度水平下消耗的能量更少。 這種低功耗有助於延長顯示器的使用壽命,同時降低能源消耗,符合環保和節能的要求。此外,.....
A Reconfigurable Hardware Architecture for Spatial Temporal Graph Convolution Network
Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) are well-suited for human action recognition using skeleton data, as they handle non-Euclidean structures like human joints and avoid issues with environmental noise affecting RGB images. However, GCNs often suffer from high latency and low power efficiency on CPU and GPU platforms due to computational complexity. To address this.....
A High-Performance Neural Network SoC for End-to-End Speaker Verification
With the development of Deep Learning, especially Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), there have been tremendous advances in neural networks for object detection. These models can accurately detect and categorize objects in a wide range of complex scenarios and have been practically applied in people's daily lives. However.....
Design and Implementation of Low-Power, Energy-Efficient Neural Network Training Hardware Accelerators Based on Brain Floating-Point Computing and Sparsity Aware
we propose an efficient and flexible training processor called EESA. The proposed training processor features low power consumption, high throughput, and high energy efficiency....
卷積層是卷積神經網絡 (CNN) 推理階段中計算成本最高的部分。有許多架構被提出來有效地處理它。在這些設計中,具有高度流水線結構的脈動陣列能夠有效地加速通用矩陣-矩陣乘法 (GEMM)....
基於FPGA的可重構神經網路加速器應用於Tiny YOLO-V3
In recent year, the development of deep learning has been grown. According to the equipment updated and advanced, neural network could be handle has more and more things.....
In recent years, speaker verification has been extensively explored and has significantly improved its effectiveness. The proposed speaker verification system includes two phases: enrollment and verification.....
The research in deep learning has become extensively deep recently, such as image pre-processing, image segmentation, object recognition, semantic analysis, etc. Deep learning has gradually replaced the traditional algorithm....
An SoC-based CNN Accelerator for Face Recognition using HWCK data scheduling
In response to the promotion of the smart city and smart home, people pay more and more attention to the quality of life, wishing the technology could change our life....
Object matching and identification are the popular research in the field of computer vision. The methods are mainly based on feature matching. In many feature extraction algorithms, SIFT (Scale invariant feature transform) is considered to be one of the best algorithms.....
MPEG-2 AAC Decoder
MPEG Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) is the widely used
audio coding standard and offers the high-quality
multi channel surround audio. For the implementation
using DSP method...
MPEG Layer 3 Single Chip Audio Decoder
MPEG Layer III (MP3) audio coding
algorithm is a widely used audio coding standard...
A Fast Binary Motion Estimation Algorithm for
MPEG-4 Shape Coding
MPEG-4 is a new international standard for
multimedia communication. It provides a set of tools
for object-based coding of natural and synthetic
videos/audios. MPEG-4 also enables content-based
functionalities by introducing the concept of video
object plane (VOP), and such a content-based