bject matching and identification are the popular research in the field
of computer vision . The methods are mainly based on feature matching . In
many feature extraction algorithms, SIFT (Scale invariant feature
transform) is considered to be one of the best algorithms. It maintains the
robustness for image scalin g, r otation, deformation, and light changes.
However, it require complex calculations and large amounts of memory
that makes it difficult to achieve real-time.
In order to a
chieve real time operations and reduce memory
requirements, we propose a new SIFT h ardware architecture and improve
the SIFT algorithm in this thesis . In the step of construct ing Gaussian
pyramids, the original cascade operations is substituted by parallel
operations. Although it increase the amount of calculations , we can reduce
the amo unt of temporary memory and increase the speed. For the first
octave images, we adapt a smaller scale space to simulate the high spatial
frequency instead of upsampling image T he step of keypoint localization
is replaced by appropriate threshold to filter out the bad extremum I n
addition, the overall algorithm is based on segment which can be greatly
reduced the internal memory in the design. We verified the hardware
architecture on FPGA (Xi linx Artix7) and implemented by TSMC90nm
process. Experimental re sults show that for an image with a resolution of
1280x720, the operating frequency can reach 1 5 2 MHz, t he processing
speed can reach 3 5 .6 frames/s, and the internal memory requirement is 2 37
Hardware Architecture:
Implementation Results:
by ¤ý·ç´¼